ECS Principal Shari Lipski Featured in ELFA "Third-Party Nation" Article

We are proud to announce that ECS Principal Shari Lipski is featured in the May/June Issue of Equipment Leasing & Finance (ELFA) Magazine. Shari is a well-known name in the equipment leasing industry and gave her insight on how ECS provides third-party services to our clients.
ECS Financial Services in Northbrook, Illinois, began as a CPA firm more than 50 years ago providing general accounting and tax services to companies in the Great Lakes area. But when a client asked for help starting a captive leasing company, ECS not only joined in; the company partnered with a software provider and bought its program to manage the new leasing company’s operation. ECS Financial Services now provides third-party services nationwide. “We used that software to service the leasing company’s portfolio, and then we started managing portfolios for others in the industry,” says Shari Lipski, Principal at ECS.